Week 2

Topic 1
I have never actually used twitter before so to be honest, I'm not exactly sure what I am doing or who I am following. When I first made an account, it had me click on what I was most interested in. Being this is for a class, I followed some news tweets along with some political ones, and then of course humor and puppies are always a good fit.

I followed the news tweets @FoxNews to be exact, because even though a lot of the time the news isn't the most fun thing to follow, and most of the time it can be pretty depressing, I do find it good to know whats going on in the world.
Donald Trump ( @realDonaldTrump) is another person I decided to follow to see the changes he is and isn't taking apart on in the world. I don't have a very strong opinion on politic, to be honest, I just never found an interest in it. Although I probably should be paying more attention to who is in charge of our country, that being said, is why I decided to follow him.
Although it may not have a large impact on our society, I followed some animal tweets, memes, and humor. With following the news and the president, I thought I could use some funny and cute things to lighten my feed with.

One tweet that caught my eye was a meme, it was a picture of a dog with his head under the pillow with a caption "I hate Thursday's" and below that is another picture of the dog with his head up in excitement with a caption "Wait, its Friday". This caught my eye because.. well I love dogs of course, but also because of the fact that I actually woke up thinking I had to work the next two days, which in reality today is my last work day until I get a 5 day vacation, which automatically I could relate to the dog and being excited for the weekend of course.

When it comes to politics, government and other subjects that relate to that, I do find it hard for me to follow at all, but that being said, because of facebook and instagram, I do find myself following it a bit more. I will say though, especially around voting season, I am tempted to unfollow or delete some of my friends because all the post is about politics and why this person is good, and why this person is bad. I don't so much care about weather or not we believe in the same thing or would vote for the same person, but either way, I don't feel everyone in the world needs to know how obsessed you are with a certain person for candidate.. but that is just my opinion.

Topic 2
I would believe what she said to be true in the fact that us being more "connected" in the world has made everyone more isolated. As much as I may not want to admit it, I do find myself "spending time" with my friends and family and more than half the time I am on my phone, on facebook, or texting someone. Even at work, when its not busy, instead of doing something else, I find myself on my phone. I cant even begin to tell you, how many times, how many different friends, I have tried to have a conversation with and half the time they don't hear a word I have to say because their too busy on their phones.

To be honest, when it comes to games, the only games I have on my phone are for my 6 year old son. Other then playing with him, I think the only time I have ever played a game on my phone was when I was on an airplane. I will admit though, there is an archery game on my phone for my son that I actually don't mind playing with him. I think the reason I like that game is because I shoot archery in real life and I could see the scenarios on the game and apply it to real life.

Unfortunately, I find myself on facebook and instagram and all those other sites a lot more than I'd like to admit. When I'm not out doing things, I guarantee I will get on my phone every other 5 minutes just checking new feeds. I wish I could be one of those people who could just sit there and watch tv with  their phone in the other room and not think about it, but if I was to even try that, I bet you, it would last about 10 minutes.


  1. Paige, I am also that person who refreshes multiple new feeds constantly. It's crazy when truly thinking about it, but like you said, even trying to watch an episode of my favorite show, I still constantly think about checking my phone and wanting to know what I'm missing out on. As we learned in the Ted Talk, I feel like we are now in an era that literally evolves around our devices and the forums it provides us with. We have the ability to constantly check up on other people, which is kind of creepy, and it's making us almost obsessed with the lives of others when we should be focusing on the life that's right in front of us!


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